Bagi yang suka mengikuti perkembangan berita di televisi pasti sering kan mendengar kalo pihak kepolisian menembakkan…
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Surya University Gelar ArTecne 2014
Dalam rangka memberikan pengetahuan & wawasan kepada pelajar dan guru sekolah menengah mengenai berbagai macam riset…
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Saran untuk Para Mahasiswa
Masa-masa kuliah sering jadi momen yang sulit dilupakan dalam kehidupan seseorang. Di bangku kuliah biasanya seseorang sudah…
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Beberapa Hal Yang Patut Kamu Coba Sebelum Usia 30
30 tahun sepertinya udah nggak termasuk golongan usia muda lagi kan guys? Saat usia kamu udah menginjak…
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Street Art Cleverly Interact With Surroundings
Street art is usually meant to disrupt its environment and to capture our attention, but the…
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Street Art That Cleverly Interact With Nature
Urbanism and nature do not always get along well, but when they do, the collaboration may…
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25 Cool Inventions That You Never Knew You Needed
They say that necessity is the mother of invention , and while that might not be…
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Most Creative Sculptures And Statues From Around The World
Our cities are full of majestic monuments, stunning sculptures and artistic statues, each having a story…
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20 Tanda Bahwa Hidup mu Sudah Di Jalur Yang Tepat
Setiap orang pernah merasa dirinya gagal. Kuliah terhambat, skripsi mentok, susah cari kerja, dan masih banyak…
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